Don't Miss Out!

If you can't make the live event, enjoy your own recording! Can't see it? Please ask!
Whether you like to hear the gongs or listen to a story there's something relaxing for everyone.

All of Sound-Well’s online gong baths are recorded during the live event. If you wish to order a gong bath recording either before or after the event please select from this list and an email will be automatically generated for your order. You will then be sent details of how to pay,

Please do not listen to a gong bath recording whilst driving or using machinery.


Click on the Gong Bath of your choice and fill in the automated email. This email will let me know you want to buy a recording and I will reply with details of how to pay etc.

All recordings cost £11.

Why not give yourself the gift of a daily gong bath meditation using a recording of your favourite gong session?

Reinforce your gong bath intention and honour your self-care commitment in a beautiful, harmonious way.

Whether you incorporate the sounds into your morning practice or allow yourself to be lulled to sleep each night by the deep harmonic vibrations, the gongs will continue to benefit you in between live experiences.  

Allow the gongs to support you in your daily self-care routine. Commit to a daily practice of gong meditation to calm, rebalance and come into deep presence and resonance – and see the difference!

And if, like me you fall out of a good habit too easily, or have a busy work-life schedule and find it hard to make time for yourself, email us and we can help you to free up some valuable time for yourself.  

With young ones or on your own, relax and listen to a traditional story. Tune in to the magic of worlds within worlds and realms within realms - experience the gentle power of the spoken word and let your imagination take flight.


Click on the story of your choice and fill in the automated email. This email will let me know you want to buy a recording and I will reply with details of how to pay etc.

All recordings cost £8.

Feast on the fruits of your imagination and take delight in ancient legends, folktales and myths from all over the world retold in the oral tradition.

Wherever you want...
Whenever you want...
Relax, fall asleep with a story...

Why not book a Gong Bath Today!